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 Barrow tithe map schedule 1837
Barrow tithe map schedule 1837

This transcription of the Tithe Map Schedule for Barrow in Cheshire was originally transcribed by Katherine C. SYNGE and typed/indexed by L A Muriel. Further details are as follows:

Mrs.Vera CHAPMAN writing about her study of West Cheshire Villages says:-
"Barrow has a particularly interesting set of field-names, and field shapes.
They are one of a group of Townships in West Cheshire where the Open Field System
decayed slowly and most have lasted into much later times than has hitherto been

A great-grand-daughter of George OKELL of Barrow Hall in the Tithe Map, remembered
the Number of the OKELL Quillet in the Town Meadow

The following are some of the Field Names that perpetuate this Open Field Cultivation
the numbers in brackets refer to those shown on the Tithe Maps:-
LOONT - is an open strip in a former Open Field of Mediaeval times or earlier e.g.
Barrow Hill Loont (441)
Long Loonts (454) now softened to "Long Looms" on which Council House stand.
DOWL - e.g. Little Dowl (3E4)
FLATT - e.g. Marsh Flatt (4E5)
Flatt Croft (588)
Iron Flatt (669)
Flatt Cheese (125) etc.
BUTT - is described as Setting up the ridge & the 7 rounds of ploughing
e.g. Nine Butts (336) commerates gthe number of Butts enclosed to make up
the field.
Flax Butts (463) etc.
REANS - (Re-aris) are described today as bring the hollws berween Butt strips, said to
be for drainage sometimes, but in places may mark open strip cultivation
Wheat Reans (468) etc.
INTAKE - CLOSE - INCLOSURE In which these names occur on Barrow Hill, next to the
strip shaped fields, they indicate small fields eclosed from once
larger Open Field. (438) (460) (437) (422) (640) etc.

Other interesting names of Known Meanings
RIDDING - (O.E. Hryding) neans a Clearing or a cleared land, a name common in
Cheshire which was mostly thick woodland.
Fields now bearing the name "Ridding" were historically late in being cleared
and the name distinguished them as new land compared to the older
cultivated fields. Grow Riddind (85), Pool Ridding (206) etc.
INGOT or PINFOLD - (O.E.Pundfald) was an enclosure for strayed or distrained beasts
and were once a feature of every village, The Tithe Map shows 3 Pingots

1. Great Barrow (542) now the new Churchyard
2. Little Barrow in two portions (105 & 112) each once called "Part of Pingot"
3. A small Pingot on Broomhill Hill (416)
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Barrow tithe map schedule 1837
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